miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

Columbia or Colombia?

Thank you for checking out my blog! I´m new at this whole blogging thing so bear with me if it´s not so spectacular...

My thanks to Trader Joes, Hanover for helping provide the title. I was grabbing some last minute snacks (how could I live without TJ trail mix?!) before setting out and naturally found myself at the coffee/sample corner. I was greeted with this sign:

I´m sure this looks nothing out of the ordinary for most, but for me, after weeks of clarifying to people that I was headed to ´Colombia the country´ and not Columbia, New York. it made me chuckle. I think that for most of us (my college self included) Colombia the country is at worst a guerilla warzone fueled by cocaine and at best the source of yummy coffee. And since they export all the good stuff (coffee i mean, geez!) why bother going in body and soul?

I have no lofty aspirations to show the world the ´real Colombia´ nor do I have any illusions that it´s the safest place I could be. I am just excited to explore this incredibly diverse country with an open heart and open mind. Having experienced the warmth and alegría of Colombians in other countries (en particular my beuatiful familia in Spain!) I´m hopeful that I won´t really feel alone as a solo traveler. As the Colombian tourist website itself declares: The only risk in coming to Colombia is wanting to stay! 

1 comentario:

  1. Most annoying thing for a Colombian to see is the Use of the "u" instead of the "o" when reading about the Country and not the district of Columbia.

    Looking forward to hearing u speak with a Colombian accent. Disfrutalo mucho!
